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Divisional Stats View

Conference Stats

By webjr, 03/27/13, 11:30AM CDT


WiPH Feature Update

Wisconsin Prep Hockey is pleased to announce that we've finally added conference stats to the site.

Previously when viewing conference or team pages you could only view stats for the entire season, rather than stats only for conference games. With this new feature that missing item has been corrected.

To view conference-only stats, just visit any conference or team page on Wisconsin Prep Hockey. When you view the stats page, a new selector appears that gives two options: League and Division. 

League stats will display the stats totals including any game that was on the team's schedule in the regular season.  Division stats will display stat totals only for conference games.

Note: There is currently a bug on conference stat pages, you'll have to select "Skater" or "Goalie" before you pick "League" or "Division" or the stats won't display. This does not currently effect team pages.

In the images below, you can see that for the entire WIAA season Zach Leggon of Marshfield was the leading scoring in the Wisconsin Valley Conference, with 37 points in 23 games. In the other image you can see, that if stats are limited to just conference games, Wisconsin Rapids' Caleb Schroer led the conference with 17 points in 10 games.

Stats Selector

Click the stat type you want: "Skaters" or "Goalies." And click if you want to view full-season stats "League" or conference-only stats "Division."

Wisconsin Valley Leading Scorers - Conference Games

Wisconsin Valley Conference leading scorers - full season

Wisconsin Valley Leading Scorers - Conference Games

Wisconsin Valley Conference leading scorers - conf only